Which points would be a good point to describe the home and the characters, and their background.

Lynn York Apartments
68 Myrtle Avenue, Irvington, New Jersey

James Frazier sat the serving tray, with three coffee cups of cappuccino, on the coffee table in his living room. He had planned on relaxing today but his obligations thought otherwise. Cutting off the television he sat down in the company of two of his closest friends: Roland "Rallo" Grant, and Raymond "Ray Butters" Lynwood."

What brought them all to Jimmy's lonely New Jersey apartment was treachery and greed.

"So, everything's set I'm guessing," Jimmy said, crossing his legs, watching but not watching the television set as a episode of "Cheers" played.

Raymond grabbed his cup, and slurped it, before putting it back down. "Yeah, all our guys are ready for tonight," he said.

Jimmy was a old-fashioned guy, and for good reason: he grew up during the sixties. He came up through the ranks with his older brother, Tommy. Serving 15 years in Sing Sing had humbled him down, from his mad dog behavior once upon a time. When coming home two years ago, 1988, he had expected to take over the Outfit, but his nephew Sincere spoiled those plans. He installed Jimmy as a soldier in Ray Butters crew. For that "disrespect" he despised his nephew and was planning on making his plans come to fruition.

"Jimmy, how much powder we going to be coming away with, with this caper?" Rallo asked, in the midst of rolling up some marijuana in cigar wrapping.

Jimmy shrugged. "I'm on the outside of our family operations, but a guess would be around 130 to 150 kilos of mixed coke and dope," he said. "But then again it's just a guess." He put his hand on Rallo's shoulder. "Were coming off with this caper, I assure you."

"Jim, we been friends since forever. I'm with you through thick and thin, but are you sure you want to do this?" Ray Butters asked.

Jimmy smirked. "Butters, were getting old. You don't think we deserve, matter fact fuck deserve, earned our way to the top of the totem pole," he sipped his cappuccino. "We made our bones coming up in the old days, you know this. We capped alot of guys on our way up, this the only way, Ray."

Raymond just nodded. "Then that's it. No turning back."

"Don't worry Ray, smile, while everything's going on; Charlie and his boys in Fort Greene are gonna be catching the heat. Not us," Jimmy said, as Rallo lit blunt.

The doorbell rang.

"Who the hell is that?" Ray asked.

"Our co-conspirators," Jimmy said, flashing that devilish grin. "Go get that Roland."

Rallo got up, blunt in hand, to answer the door. He opened the white door to see a smiling Charlie Hilman, hat in one hand; cane in the other, with Dwayne Mason, a protege of his. Letting them in, he led the way to the living room.

"Charlie!" Jimmy exclaimed, springing to his feet to warmly embrace his old friend. "How you doing? How's the family?" he asked, sitting back down.

"Eh, I can't complain. Health is good, wife is greater," Charlie said, taking a seat. "Oh, this is Broadway, the one whose gonna be the captain of this ship tonight."

Broadway stretched his hand out, which Jimmy firmly clasped. "I see the fire in your eyes," Jimmy said, squinting into Broadway's eyes. "You got that fire in your eyes, that's a quality I admire, kid. Take a seat."

Broadway sat down.

Charlie Hilman was Tommy Frazier's friend-turned-backstabber from the old days. He got caught up in the FBI crackdowns of heroin distribution networks of the late 1970s-early 1980s. Being convicted of intent to sell to a undercover agent in 1981, he served five years in a federal prison.

He was quite the guy in his days, and still possessed that swag of his. Dreams of being the boss still was his wish; and teaming with his former rival was the best way to do it. The two of them were from the old-school and despised what was going on. Charlie knew he was particularly known to the NYPD throughout New York, so he decided to use his nephew Brian as the front boss.

Taking off his black Members Only jacket, to reveal a cream turtleneck, Broadway followed his lead.

Raymond returned from the bathroom. "Charlie, Dwayne, how you guys feeling today?" Ray walked over and shook their hands. His hands nearly encompassing Charlie's, he retired again to the kitchen, to bring back a bottle of Dom Perignon and flutes.

"What's the occasion, Ray?" Charlie asked, rubbing his hands together.

"Prosperity," he told him, using a corkscrew to open the champagne. "Dwayne, you got your crew springed into action for tonight?" Ray filled all five flutes on the coffee table.

Dwayne's muscular body leaned forward towards Ray. "Yeah, I'm using two young cats. They go by Kenevil and Crime, they just looking for a name, but I trained him well enough." Broadway answered, leaning back into the seat.

"Where you gonna be when all this going down?" Charlie asked Jimmy.

"Spending time with family," Jimmy said.