I could go on for hours about this one. I saw someone keep saying that Scarfo's hits were under LCN politics...and I tend to agree...but this was defniitely not. This was basically pure jealousy. Scarfo was starting to lose it. I never heard anyone say a bad word about Salvie really...even the men who killed him. Salvie was Phil's son. Scarfo took Salvie under his wing after Phil's murder. But Salvie was already making good money with LCN and elsewhere. I think he was a millionaire at this point. He basically ran the family during the Scarfo-Ricobene war at times when Scarfo was locked up. The guys loved him and that started to make Scarfo jealous. And then there was the Wall Street Journal article that dubbed Salvie "The prince of Philly"...or something like that and that didn't sit well with Scarfo. Then Scarfo also used the fact that Salvie ended the engagment with Merlino's daughter. Merlino was pissed but deep down Scarfo knew this was no reason to kill a great earner. There is so much more info I could give that happened around this time but its been said before. So Scarfo put a hit on him basically...to me..out of jealousy. Salvie was also very smart and watched his back so Scarfo new the hit would be a hard one. So he had Salvie's best friend Joey Pung and a couple other guys do the hit. I think Grande was in on it...I heard he never really liked Salvie. So they got him in a candy store up passyunk and then dumped him in Jersey and Scarfo spilt up Salvie's rackets. Funny thing tho...the guys didn't have toll money to get over the Walt Whitman bridge...lol. That toll money story reminds me of the dumb ass Stanfa hitmen.