Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
The people who are calling this an "execution" and crying that he had the right to be tried are forgetting one thing - he was a terrorist. He wasn't a criminal. He was a terrorist and a zealot. The only way to stop him from killing again was to make sure he was dead.

I maybe I suppose a "liberal," but I can't exactly shed a tear for his exit.

Besides this will be controversial, but imagine if he was captured. Blame it on the GOP or domestic politics broadly, but we can't even send henchmen terrorists to a civlian trial. Even Kansas pussied out with the mere presence of chained prisoners jailed there. Nevermind the evidence possibly gained by tor...I mean Enhanced Interrogation. Its the same reason why cops don't beat a confession out of a suspect: It taints the integrity of the evidence submitted to the court.

And the GOP/conservative Democrats will bitch that Osama is getting preferential treatment or whatever.

The other alternative is those military tribunals. Notice how they never really have went off quite frankly under Dubya or Obama, and you'll inevitably have people bitch that this amounts to a glorified kangaroo trial, Which it is. (So were the Nuremburg Trials, but nevermind.)

So yes, I'm giving the unliberal, fascist-friendly answer that'll blow Capo's head off and surely disapoint Lilo when I say that a bullet to the eye saved a government a whole lot of headache.