Another interesting thing is that this whole situation of Hyman Roth fleeying to Israel is based on Meyer Lansky's departure to Israel.

He went there in 1970, but he was only sent back two years later because of his ongoing case with the Israelian government. This is a whole procedure that takes place and it's not something that is dealt with in a couple of months.

Meyer Lansky was only chased out of the U.S. by the Internal revenue agents or something like that. There was no indication at all that his life was in danger. Hyman Roth, on the other hand, knew that his life in the U.S. was in jeopardy and there was a contract on his life.

You really think he would not try the same as Lansky did at the least to try and stay in Israel? Hiring the best lawyers they have to make the strongest case against the government. This guy was a multi-milionaire many times over. He would do everything he could to not have to go back to the States and fear for his life.

Hell, he even offered Panama or some country a million dollars so he could stay there.

"It was between the brothers Kay -- I had nothing to do with it."