Oh, well now we've just been officially reduced to name calling and slandering people's reputations. That's very mature. No one actually posts any real insight on the issues here but instead just offers their own 2 cents like a MOnday morning quarterback.

9 out of Don Marco's last 10 posts have been nothing but replies to my own quotes, only not offering any opposing facts, just to say I'm dumb and then dumber. Geez, I must have something to say or you wouldn't waste your time trying to slander me on a message board that has about 5 active members.

Before some of you roll your eyes and make angry faces you should realize not everyone looks at the world through politcal colored glasses, but instead want an honest and open discussion of the issues.

Who needs this? Why waste my time arguing with 5 people who regurgitate the same tired mantra time and again while cheering on 'thur team'.

Go AMurica!! We gots BinLadin! Woes!

Provocative stuff, really.