For all my dislike of Obama's philosophies, policies, and even demeanor, I must tip my hat to him on this whole OBL thing. Granted, I DO think he's trying to take way too much credit, when, in fact, the foundation was laid and walls built long before he took the Presidency. That's the politician in him, I know. But he handled what he was handed quite professionally. Most importantly, he kept it hush-hush so that the mission wasn't jeopardized, lives weren't put in unnecessary danger, and the target wasn't tipped off. That's quite a commentary on the man (especially considering he's a Democrat! Hahaha! Sorry! Couldn't resist! ;-)). Seriously, though, he handled it exactly as it should've been handled, and I do respect him for that (if little else). I know the days are coming (and soon) when all of this will be politicized and used for reelection campaigns, etc., and Obama will gladly grab all the credit when, in fact, he merely stood on the shoulders of those who came before him and he just happened to be the one in office when the wheel came 'round. BUT he did what he did in an admirable way, and I do now have at least some respect for the man (where none existed before now) . I wouldn't reelect him on that basis alone, but I do appreciate and respect what he did. So much could've gone wrong had it been handled differently. Thanks, Mr. Obama (never thought I'd say THAT and mean it!).

"Vaya con Dios, Castle. Go with God."
"God's going to sit this one out." The Punisher (2004)