A friend of mine lost his son in Iraq. The following is from an email he sent me this morning:

"It is with difficulty that I express my emotions upon the death of Bin Laden. I can say without regret, I have more disdain and hatred for Bin Laden’s existence, than exhilaration over his death.

Although our national unity appears once again to be reignited, let us be cognizant that there are many Sunshine Patriots who will present themselves in force.

Flags will appear for a few weeks, battle cries for peace will once again surface, and patriotic songs will fill the air, but it all falls deaf on the ears and blind on the eyes of those who truly can say they know and understand the sacrifice of war and the cost of Freedom.

May the souls of those who have given all in defense of Freedom and the just causes of the United States, and those who have perished as innocent victims of false and empty ideologies rest in eternal peace, and that they know in their peace they will never be forgotten.

The struggle for peace will continue, and victory will be ours only when all men can live in peace with freedom."

He then added this quote:

No word was ever spoken that held out greater hope, demanded greater sacrifice, needed more to be nurtured, blessed more the giver, cursed more its destroyer, or came closer to being God's will on earth. And, I think that's worth fighting for."
General Omar Nelson Bradley

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12