Also, like all reality TV shows, this one appears heavily scripted. Drita Is no brain surgeon, but I can't believe she's so dumb and/or inept that she doesn't know how much time her husband was sentenced to. She didn't go to the trial? Read new coverage of the trial? Look at the NYS inmate website? Any 6 year old in Alaska could google it in a few seconds. Plus, the call was obviously not spontaneous. Both sides of the conversation were being recorded for the show and they knew it. They were putting on a show. Also, half the grocery items Lee was requesting were perishable; there's no place to store (much less prepare) that stuff in a prison cell. They were trying to suggest to the naive audience that bank robber Lee has a Goodfellas type kitchen in his cell like in the movie (that was a movie, folks). In real life they'd be lucky to have a bunk trunk filled with Snickers, Ramen noodles and honey buns.