The Galante hit has always been one of my favorites because the Bonnanos removed a psychopath and solidified more solid leadership.

The fact that everyone knows who pulled the trigger and was part of the plan likely puts this lower on the list. I love the fact that the FBI caught Bruno "Whack Whack" Indelicato hugging it out with Dellacroce about 45 minutes after the hit on video tape - not one hug mind you, but two. The second was a Neil call back for some more love just cracks me up every time I see it.

Lastly, you have to give the NY Daily News headline photo of Carmine spread out with the cigar still in mouth one of the best pictures / portraits of what LCN really is.

BYW, Joe and Mary's did have good food.

Best way to catch the smart ones? Get an idiot working for them.