Lindsay Lohan invited to work in homeless shelter's theater workshop as part of community service

BY Nancy Dillon

Thursday, April 28th 2011, 3:40 PM

LOS ANGELES - There could be some extra drama in Lindsay Lohan's court-mandated stint at a women's homeless shelter.

A source at the Downtown Women's Center says the nonprofit is interested in Lohan assisting its once-a-week theater workshop.

"Definitely we're interested. She's an actress," the insider told the Daily News on Thursday.

"We try to match each person's skill set with the jobs that need to be done. If we had a caterer, we'd have them help with the 200 lunches we serve each day."

The workshop isn't musical theater, he warned. It explores highly emotional, painful experiences of domestic violence, sexual assault and being homeless.

For that reason, organizers need to meet with Lohan first to see if it's a good fit.

"We can't say 'Oh yes, she's definitely doing it.' We have to explore the opportunity and the exposure to intensity," he said.

"Making lunch back in the kitchen is one thing. Working with ladies one-on-one is another experience that requires more training and a different comfort level.

"It's not something to start with on day one," he added.

The D.I.V.A.S. workshop - Dames Investing in Very Authentic Storytelling - meets once a week for two hours, so Lohan would have to do other shelter jobs to fulfill her requirement.

She was ordered to serve 360 hours at the center and 120 hours at the county morgue when a judge ruled Friday that she violated her 2007 DUI probation by taking a diamond necklace from a jewelry store without paying for it.

Judge Stephanie Sautner also ordered Lohan to serve 120 days in jail, but defense lawyer Shawn Holley won the starlet's quick release on bail by appealing the sentence.

Holley argued that Lohan mistakenly walked out of the jewelry store with the bling and would have returned it given more than 10 days.

The judge gave Lohan one week to sign up for her community service even though her appeal could take months.

Lohan's jury trial for the alleged necklace theft is scheduled for early June. The case was reduced to a misdemeanor by Sautner last week.

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"What is given, can be taken away. Everyone lies. Everyone dies." - Casey Anthony, in a poem, July 7, 2008