Originally Posted By: Mussolini14
Originally Posted By: GerryLang
One of my favorite hits was the Luchese killing of Otto Heidel. He was a strong and athletic guy, so they let the air out of one his tires as it was parked outside a gym. He goes down to fix the flat, and the hit men have a sitting duck. They screwed up and had to chase him down a crowded block, but the thinking behind it was simple yet brilliant.

I haven't heard about this hit Gerry, can you fill me in?


This is how it is described in the "Brotherhoods"

"On the day of the murder, one of the hit team was late, caught in traffic on the Staten Island Expressway. His associates located Heidel's car and let the air out of the tires. Leaving the paddleball court, Heidel discovered the flat. He opened the trunk, took out his jack, and started to change the tire. As he bent down, Heidel saw a man walking toward him with a gun drawn. He turned and ran against traffic on a one-way street. It was late afternoon and kids from the grammar school down the street had just been let out; the park was filled with playing children at that time of the day. The hit men started to shoot. Heidel dodged cars while he fled. Struck in the buttocks and back, he kept running West on Avenue U and north on 35th Avenue as the attackers continued firing, hitting him in the back. Desperate, bleeding, and breathless, Heidel jumped on he back of a passing motorcycle and commandeered it. By then, his pursuers had caught up to him. Heidel was shot again and again, his back pierced with more than half a dozen slugs; amazingly, the motorcycle rider was missed. Finally succumbing, Heidel fell to the ground, Casso's hit mand stood over him and finished with a single bullet to the chest."

I didn't know Tommy Karate was a member of the bypass gang, or Carmine Sessa.