Originally Posted By: phatmatress
i enjoy his posts ive never came across him acting like he knows someone. but unlike some other people i respect your decision to not enjoy his posts for whatever reason you may have.

People over on the Real Deal forum, where I go by "wiseguy," know that I've never pretended to be anything I'm not. I've always been straight forward about where I'm from (Utah), what I do for a living (juvenile probation), and whatever else. And I've also always said that I get the vast majority of my info from the same sources that virtually everyone else does - books, articles, reports, indictments, etc.

Of course, in the past this has led to some debates with certain "local guys." There are a handful of local guys who have good info and I've had little reason to question them. But the trouble makers are those who try to use what I call the "geography card" to win arguments. That is, they think because they live in a certain location that it gives them inside knowledge the rest of us are not privy to. And they don't need to lower themselves to going to outside sources like the rest of us. These types are usually full of crap and have to play that card precisely because the facts don't support their arguments. They're easy to spot.

Mods should mind their own business and leave poster's profile signatures alone.