Originally Posted By: IvyLeague

Seems like you willfully ignore Chin's over all record as a boss, while singling out his mistake with Savino, simply to make your point. Which holds no water by the way.

Because this mistake was the one that brought down the house.Had Gigante listened to the advice of Casso,who you seem to deem as an inferior,the windows case fiasco probably would have been avoided.

Say what you will about Casso,Gotti,Persico,Massino etc. but their actions only fucked up their own families.Chin's unwillingness to kill Savino fucked up 4 families.

And why doesn't it hold any water?

Generally speaking, they take "the life" seriously. They run their organization it was meant to be run. By all accounts, the Genovese family IS superior. Always has been. There's really no "myth" there.

Please don't twist my words.By myth I meant their mystique,their image.The same way Gotti lived off the attention his daper suits and cars brought him,the same way the Genovese guys are cultivating their Keyser Soze image.
And I never said the Genovese family was overrated.I said the Chin was overrated.Replace him with any of his powerful contemporaries and you would have the same result.
Law enforcement has commented before how Chin wasn't interested in any of that stuff. Just the "pure power" he had.

Well law enforcement can't really read his mind can they?They can only speculate.If Chin wasn't interested in that stuff then why did he become a gangster?
But that doesn't even matter.If he didn't want any of that,its his business.But that doesn't make him superior to someone who did want it.
How long did Gotti, Casso, or Scarfo last on the street?
Around 30 years.Nothing to scoff at,especially if you're not spending those years pretending you're insane.
Furthermore, what was the effect of their leadership on their families?

You got me there.But should that be the only criteria?

Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
Well, let's see here. Judging by the current status of the family, it's very low number of rats, it's ability to maintain it's rackets - both legal and illegal - they must be doing something right.

They are indeed doing something right.But I don't think the fact that the drove Buicks and not Cadillacs thwarted the FBI's plans or caused them to say "lets leave these guys alone,the Colombos drive Escalades,lets go after them".

Seriously, I think you're just trying to go against the grain here. You can't be this clueless, can you?

So because I disagree and don't buy into Gigante being some all-powerful,infallible criminal mastermind I'm 'going against the grain' and am 'clueless'?Since we're throwing shots here I could accuse you of being a fanboy,but it's beneath me.
Guys like Tony Accardo or Trafficante jr. achieved everything he did without spending years pretending to be insane,yet they don't have this Leonardo DaVinci of crime aura attached to them.