Originally Posted By: rg
I always wanted to know how each family runs.. I understand the capos meet the associates and kick up.. What does the underboss do? Who meets the boss? Can u guys give me the chain of command.. Each envelope goes to the underboss and then he meets the boss? DO they square up every week? Also, if anyone can tell me, what do these guys do all day.. A capo, associate, consg, underboss and boss... Are any of the active guys out at nightclubs like Merlino was?

The textbook structure of each Mafia family is the same. At the top you have the administration - the boss, underboss, and consigliere. They oversee the family as a whole. Below them you have a certain number of captains, depending on how big the family is. And under each captain you have crews of soldiers and associates.

In more practical terms, how each position functions specifically, and families in general, may vary more or less. Some bosses are more hands on and willing to deal directly with soldiers and associates. Others are more aloof, and will only deal with a few trusted intermediaries.

The classic boss/underboss/consigliere set up is becoming more and more rare. There is too much turnover with guys getting indicted. So now it's more common for the official boss to retain his title while in prison while the family is run on the outside by acting bosses, ruling panels, etc.

Nowadays, it's much more common for the underboss and consigliere to be directly involved in running the family's rackets as well. They're not just sitting around, waiting for the envelopes from the captains, so they can go over to the boss' house and give him his money.

Obviously money still is forwarded up from soldiers and associates, to captains, to the administration. But bosses, underbosses, consiglieri, and captains also often have their own business interests too in addition to the tribute they receive.

For years now the families have tried to be much less obvious. Much less hanging out at some social club every day, where feds can watch. Communication is done through messengers more than having risky high level meetings. They're not as visible in terms of hopping from nightclub to nightclub. At least the smarts one aren't.

Mods should mind their own business and leave poster's profile signatures alone.