Originally Posted By: GaryH
I know wikipedia isnt always reliable but it had this to say about the Chin

In one instance during the wake of a Genovese member, Gigante pulled aside Victor Amuso, the acting boss of the Lucchese crime family, to discuss the Lucchese's families encroachment on his families "Windows Racket". Gigante told him he'd be "lucky to leave this wake alive" and the Lucchese family subsequently gave in to Gigante's demand to back off.

I can believe it - the Chin was a bad ass

That account came from the 1995 New York Magazine article. It said Amuso left the wake "trembling." It certainly seems Vic and Gas viewed Chin the same way Gotti did.

What's interesting is the Luccheses and their control of Iron Workers Local 580 was a key part of the window replacement racket. The Genovese and the Luccheses, as well as the Gambinos and the Colombos later on, all were involved; though it was mainly a Genovese racket from the beginning. But the Lucchese must have not been following some agreement to make Chin chew out Amuso at that wake.

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