Seems to me Quiet Dom gave the OK and the Bonannos carried out the murder. What happened to Nick Cirillo is something that has been debated before over on the Real Deal forum. Many thought there was no way that Quiet Dom would give the OK for his son to be killed. But I always found it believable. Nick had been trouble for years and he really screwed up when he raised hands to made guys in the Bonanno family. Quiet Dom, like the rest of the Genovese leadership, is old school. And putting the life before family or anything else is something these guys swear to when they go through the initiation ceremony.

What I find ironic is how many posters on these forums lament how the old ways aren't followed anymore. Yet when one of them does follow the rules to the letter, even at the expense of his son, they are mad at him.

Within a moral context, we know what these guys are - murderers, thieves, career criminals, etc. That's not exactly news. So I already have a low opinion of them in that respect. But within a mob context, Quiet Dom didn't do anything wrong. In fact, he did exactly what he was supposed to do. So this doesn't lower my opinion of him one bit.

If you want to say "F#$% Quiet Dom" for being a mobster, that's fine. But singling out the fact that he OK'd his son to be killed makes absolutely no sense.

Mods should mind their own business and leave poster's profile signatures alone.