Originally Posted By: TonyG

I need to think about some of the dumbest crimes committed. I know a few wiseguys shot themselves and did other stupid things.

I have a couple for Philly mobsters.

I forget which hit it was but it was during Scarfo's time. After the hit, the team that was dumping the body didn't have money on them to get over the bridge from Philly to jersey. They were dumping the body in jersey with the man in the trunk. I think thats how it went. I heard George Anastasia tell it with Nicholas the crow once.

Or how about Stanfa's knuckle heads during the Stanfa-Merlino war. Here is one I copied from an article. There were also botched bombs and crazy potential hit stories. Not enough time in the day to list them all.

PHILADELPHIA: The masked gunman ran into a swanky Italian restaurant and leveled a shotgun at the pizza maker.
"I put the shotgun in his face and I shoot," the gunman testified in federal court last month. "The shotgun didn't go off. I shoot again. Again nothing."
No wonder. Mob hit man Rosario Bellocchi said he had the wrong size shells on his mission to kill Biagio Adornetto, an out-of-favor gang soldier.
Tales told by inept former hit men who failed more often than they succeeded were a big part of a trial that ended last week with the conviction of mob boss John Stanfa and seven associates on racketeering charges.