Originally Posted By: Turnbull
Pete, I'm not saying Fredo would have been included in any business meetings between Vito and/or Roth. I'm saying that he might have seen them around Vito. In a deleted scene from II, we see Clemenza introducing the young Roth to Vito, who hired him as a truck mechanic. Surely all the Corleone children would have had opportunities to see/meet him. That's why, when Fredo said, "I don't know those guys" [emphasis added], Michael should have smelled a rat.

This is possible, of course. For me, though, the reintroduction between Tom and Ola feels like a business thing. Michael introduces Tom as "my lawyer" rather than "my brother." I think when Ola references "the old days" to Tom, he's talking about when Tom worked for Vito in the family business. I don't think Fredo necessarily had the same exposure.

Last edited by mustachepete; 04/20/11 10:33 AM.

"All of these men were good listeners; patient men."