Alright so, with the playoffs all set and ready to rumble, bring on your predictions! I'll start:

Chicago - Indiana
Chicago, 4-0. Chicago's dream-season will be tested in the playoffs, but I doubt the Pacers will be hard to beat. Rose will be MVP. Stan Van Gundy thinks Howard is just as good...but Rose will take it.

Orlando - Atlanta
Orlando, 4-1. Atlanta is always one step behind the big teams, I dont think this year will prove any different.

Boston - Knicks
Boston, 4-2. This should be interesting. Boston is not the same team without Perkins, and lately they look terrible, but playoffs are always a whole new different game. The Knicks have this new trio, but it will take more than Carmelo and Amare to beat the Celtics.

Miami - Philadelphia
Miami, 4-0. I think this will be easy for Wade and Lebron.

San Antonio - Memphis

Spurs, 4-0. Again, this should be easy.

Oklahoma City - Denver
Thunders, 4-2. Melo-less Denver is lookin alright, but OKC is strong and solid team, I even think they'll make it to the finals.


Dallas, 4-0.

Lakers-New Orleans

Lakers, 4-0. Too many sweeps, I know, but first rounds are like that...sometimes.

So anyway, that's just my bet. What's your prediction?

"Come out and take it, you dirty, yellow-bellied rat, or I'll give it to you through the door!"

- James Cagney in "Taxi!" (1932)