Originally posted by afsaneh77:
And that would have made me what? Two? lol I wish I was born in 50s though cause being a young person in 70s must have been great. At least I think men's style rocked. I like those Beatle styles. Now everywhere you look, there are spikes or tattoos or body piercing. It sucks! tongue
Post your recent pic Snake, I can't wait to see that one! grin
Thanks for the kind words, afsaneh! But taking into account your dim view of tatts, I better not submit a picture that shows the huge rattler on my right shoulder! eek

And, hey, you're a dynamo, Kristen! I'm thrilled for you! I hope you've got "double" the resources for "double" the kids! wink That reminds me: maybe you could get 'em into a Double-Mint commercial! grin

"Vaya con Dios, Castle. Go with God."
"God's going to sit this one out." The Punisher (2004)