Since when has honour and nobility had ANY real place in organised crime? Let's face it...the Mafia is a symptom of society, it is capitalism in its truest form, the ULTIMATE pyramid scheme. Those involved with the lifestyle have one motivation that, above all, governs their actions - greed. Any notions of honour, loyalty, etc go out the window as soon as they are no longer convenient to be held. The code of morality that these guys subscribe to changes whenever it suits them. Their entire existence is based upon the suffering of others.
Gaspipe is the perfect example of what Cosa Nostra is really about. He is the epitome of selfish - ending others' existence for his own self-preservation under the guise of 'honour' while profiting from the suffering of others. When he was arrested, he does exactly the same thing that he has killed so many for, for the simple reason that he is a selfish pig whose self-preservation is his ultimate aim. He never gave a shit a shit about honour, loyalty - all that crap that mobsters spout on about. He only ever gave a shit about himself. Hopefully he will spend some of that time he now has on his hands to think about the implications that his actions had upon others - all the moral harms that he inflicted directly and indirectly upon so many. To be honest, he is probably too busy wallowing in self-pity about how he didn't get the Gravano-like deal he was ready to spill his guts for.

*end of rant*

Last edited by Trainwreck; 04/12/11 02:56 AM.