Memphis is a stone's throw from NE Mississippi. While I won't lump all my fellow Southerners from there in the "ignorant" category, I will admit there are those whose mindset is still in the '50s...maybe even the 1850s! I think that number's a little exaggerated, though, but I could be wrong. And, ashamedly, I confess there are those here in Memphis who still have that mindset. But you have to take into account that our neck of the woods is probably the only place in the U.S. where generations are brought up with that bias (sad, but true). It'll take more future generations to get it exorcised...and even then, there will always be racism (on BOTH sides). Personally, I've always thought it stupid; I mean, a person cannot help what color skin he/she is born with...and why is that a basis for hatred anyway? Go figure.

"Vaya con Dios, Castle. Go with God."
"God's going to sit this one out." The Punisher (2004)