A long life, started making movies in the 50s with the highly regarded courtroom drama 12 ANGRY MEN, and was still working on pictures up to his death. His last being the terrific BEFORE THE DEVIL KNOWS YOU'RE DEAD back in 2007. Or some 50 years after MEN.

4-time Oscar nominee for Best Director, never won but earned a Honorary Oscar for his lifetime of work. And what a lengthy filmography he gave us. If you haven't seen any of these titles yet, do so for they're worth seeing. That's how you honor a legend, a master like Lumet.

12 Angry Men
The Pawnbroker
Fail Safe
The Hill
The Anderson Tapes
The Offense
Murder on the Orient Express
Prince of the City (a minor classic IMO)
Deathtrap (1982)
The Verdict
Running on Empty
Family Business
Night Falls on Manhattan
Find Me Guilty
Before the Devil Knows You're Dead