^ that makes sense. I like the track too. I try to make it out to the 'big A' once or twice a year. Racing seems like it's one more generation shift from completely dying though. unless they grew up with it no one under the age of 40 could care less haha. maybe the "racino" will bring back interest (doubt it)

as far as new york not 'being what it was' or whatever... in the grand scheme of things new york has been constantly changing at a rapid rate and it always will be. its a city that's never really belonged to anybody no matter how deep your roots run here. as far as the ethnic enclaves that's a thing in the past. thank capitalism, striving, and the suburbs for that. you think families wanted to stay in a 6 story walkup on Elizabeth Street forever? enough money in the bank and it's off to a place with a back yard. can't blame them. even though it might be realtively 'white washed' now its still the best city in the country

Last edited by tt120; 04/08/11 03:15 PM.