Top 9 Results

Idols performed a rock medley (C)

Ford music video "Love Gun"

Russel Brand was charisma coach

Casey, Stefano, Lauren...
Lauren's safe, and so is Casey; Stefano in B3

Sixth-place finalist of Season 4 Constantine Maroulis, star of now-touring Broadway's Rock of Agaes, butchers one of my favorite songs... "Unchained Melody" (F)

Gwen Stefani gives the remaining girls fashion advice

Paul, Scotty, Pia
Scotty's safe, so is Paul; Pia in B3

TMZ does "Media Training"

James, Haley, Jacob...
James is safe, but so is Haley?! Jacob B3

Unforgivably shirtless at 64, Iggy Pop performs "Wild One" (C+)

B3 = Stefano, Pia, Jacob

Jacob's safe
Pia isn't! (GOOD!)
Stefano is safe

J-Lo is "shocked" and "angry"; Randy is "mad", "one of the best in this" is going; Stephen says "America's wrong" -- they can all STFU as far as I'm concerned. They really gotta make Stefano feel like a piece of crap??! tongue

Pia butchers "I'll Stand By You" one last time... Good riddance!!

I studied Italian for 2 semesters. Not once was a "C" pronounced as a "G", and never was a trailing "I" ignored! And I'm from Jersey! tongue lol

Whaddaya want me to do? Whack a guy? Off a guy? Whack off a guy? --Peter Griffin

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