Trump did point out in his words, '...To be fair...' that Richard had spend 4 years in prison and therefore would not know as many wealthy people as the rest of the group.

However, the task WAS about which team raised more money and the men came up short and Richard apparently raised the least money.

That said, I think Marlee Matlin single-handedly saved Gary Busey by coming to bat for him, as it was clear all of his teammates were throwing him under the bus. I think Trump DOES like him and didn't want to let him go yet and therefore needed a quick scapegoat in his place. Hence the firing of Richard Hatch. Trump is the boss, it's his show and he can fire whomever he wants for whatever reason he wants.

I did feel a little bad that Richard was given no chance to defend himself...but too bad, consider it payback for his aweful treatment of David Cassidy on the first episode, when he (Richard) was the losing task manager.

And ratings???? This stuff is filmed months in advance, and while it airs the next season is already in production. Trump knows he's already got massive ratings and that will not change...I doubt seriously that he needs to worry about ratings when he's in the Boardroom deciding who to fire next.

And I like Gary. Marlee and Trump are correct that he is seriously underestimated by his team.

A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.