What a dope. Would it not be smarter to simply show some remorse & contrition then blaming things on his father? I bet young Vinny Gorgeous was a brat anyway! I mean, he's like 12 years old in the Angelo Bono wedding photos. Whats that little kid doing hanging round all those heavy-hitters? What a little shit!

Seriously but, the guy actually went as far as basically blaming Pizzolo himself for getting whacked (for having been involved in the life.) What a doucher. So what your saying is that Pizzolo brought it on himself for having lived as a mobster...? Are you seriously that dumb Vinny? You do know you're a mobster right?

IMHO, unless Vinny is actually aiming to become the LCN matyr that Massino never was (which from his choice of defense he just may be), his best chance of avoiding his possible execution lies in showing actual remorse for his crimes, short of doing the Big Joey & flipping. Which Id actually like to see, just for whatever info Basciano could give.

Quick survey; who thinks Vinny's rat material?

Last edited by Mickey_MeatBalls_DeMonica; 03/27/11 05:10 AM.
