Originally Posted By: VinnyGorgeous
"You're a poker player. A poker player!!! I've been around your kind in Vegas for many years and none of them have last names darling. None of them!"...that was Joan Rivers talking to Annie Duke...

I remember that well!! I believe Annie's response was to calmly say, "Poker players are very nice people." Of course she had to keep her cool, and did it well.

Although I didn't watch that season from the beginning I did not like Annie at all...she seemed kind've skanky to me. Frankly, I was happy Joan won.

As for Edgar's suicide...that was a very long time ago, back in 1987. I believe he was depressed at having failed to advance Joan's career, as her talk show at Fox (for which she stabbed Johnny Carson in the back) failed miserably. I think Edgar produced the show.

As I recall he went into hiding & was found in a hotel, suicide note & all, having overdosed. It was a very cowardly thing to to...but not sure how it relates to Joan & Melissa today. I always admired Joan for picking up the pieces and getting on with her work & life.

Last edited by AppleOnYa; 03/22/11 11:27 AM.

A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.