Originally Posted By: AppleOnYa
Originally Posted By: VinnyGorgeous
...The decision to go with the story was ultimately Lisa's decision. The task manager has the final say. Except in this case, Lisa was almost bullied into going along with them...

This statement alone points to bad leadership.

Any manager who allows themselves to be bullied (or intimidated) into going along with their team's decision...is neither a manager nor a leader.

At one point, Lisa asked Star over the phone to approve something...Star refused, as she was not the task manager. This was VERY wise on Star's part because it pointed away much of the responsibility in case their team lost.

I agree, but I said almost bullied. Pay attention. I never saw Lisa budge. What I did see were two women with a very bullying attitude. It's funny you mention Star being "VERY" wise when she refused to approve an idea Lisa had. Are you forgetting that Star wanted to have 'WRITTEN BY STAR JONES' on the cover of the book and Dionne wanted 'CONCEPT BY DIONNE WARWICK' right underneath that? Yeah, that's smart lol. Especially on The Apprentice where people who fight for credit are usually the ones with the biggest targets on their backs. But what did Lisa do? She refused to go a long with it. As hard as they tried to bully her into going a long with this, she did not budge. A good leader puts his team first and that's what she did. It was a team effort. Nothing more, nothing less.

"What is given, can be taken away. Everyone lies. Everyone dies." - Casey Anthony, in a poem, July 7, 2008