All very great points Apple, As Always, along with Turnbull's post directly after this post of yours that i'm replying to,.......'fatherson', I am most likely the one you got the cement ready for..... panic However! I just had a hypothesis to add to my theory about why Michael wasn't shot dead right away, and DID see the shooters a fracion of a second soon enough for him to react. Here goes....... The shooters were running at the 'window/target', could that be the reaction? They couldn't have hidden themselves close enough to the house/window to "wait" for the right time. They had no idea when he was going to be in his room(besides other conspiracy theories not discussed in this post). Therefore the shooter would have had to waut from "afar" to wait for their chance....make sense?

"I Miss People, I Just Don't Remember Who They Are"
