Originally Posted By: GerryLang
What character do you think comes off as most like a real life gangster on the show? For me it is Patsy Parisi, he doesn't spend all of his time drinking, sleeping with women that are not his wife, partaking in mindless violence, etc. He seems to be a normal and level headed guy for the most part, he can get violent when it is called for, like the time he almost went at it with Christopher at the construction site, but he doesn't beat up waiters for bringing out a cold dish of pasta alla norma.

Not all mobsters are similar. for example a guy Like Joe Armone who was a high ranking mobster never cursed, Paul castellano was the boss of bosses and he was never a violent guy at least in person. So Patsy is a good one since he is not the stereotypical mobster that most movies portray.