Originally Posted By: Blibbleblabble
(...) You guys say you don't like the draft time, but haven't said if you can make it or not. If you can't make it, SAY SO PLEASE. I don't want to be the only one that can make the draft.

Originally Posted By: Don Sicilia
Re: Draft time... I asked you guys to work with me to come up with a solution that helps out one of our members who misses draft after draft during the weekdays. I asked for your availability during the weekends. The only comments I got back was "I don't like it." (...) Not one comment on another suggested time that might work until JL's above re: one hour earlier. Not one.

Originally Posted By: Tony Mosrite
(...) I'll probably attend the draft on sunday night anyway but I do believe it's the worst posible time to do it tongue

if there are people who can only attend it on a weekend, then be it; I like a tuesday night better or even a saturday afternoon.

sometimes I get the feeling that people don't listen to what I say or don't read what I write, but come on here...

Originally Posted By: Blibbleblabble
the new point system for pitchers doesn't lessen the importance of elite pitchers. It evens the gap. It makes the other stats of a pitcher more important, while taking away so many points for a win for not so good pitchers who happen to be on a team like the Yankees with too good of an offense to win for them, even if they give up
5 runs.

yes that's how I feel. I still support the 3/0 W/L set up.

if a starting pitcher is "dominant", that would be because he throws deep into games without allowing too many hits and earned runs, while walking few batter and striking out a lot. now what does he has to lose by not scoring more points for wins that all the other undeserving underachievers won't score too?

"I'm just a humble motherfucker with a big ass dick"
The Bunk