Re: Draft time... I asked you guys to work with me to come up with a solution that helps out one of our members who misses draft after draft during the weekdays. I asked for your availability during the weekends. The only comments I got back was "I don't like it." Fine, but I thought in the 48 hours during the weekend, we might find a time that works. I put up the suggested Sunday night time and asked if a better time works. Not one comment on another suggested time that might work until JL's above re: one hour earlier. Not one.

Re: Pitcher scoring... I posted the change on March 11th and not until JG's comment early this morning (March 14th), I had no idea people had issues with it. Once JG makes his comment, the claws come out.

I don't consider myself a dictator, guys. You may not think so, but I always ask for your opinions. If you don't speak up, I have to assume you're ok with it. I can't read minds. It is before the season, and if you all feel less drastic change in pitching should be made, I'm FINE with it. If people are OK with moving the draft one hour earlier (I am), I'm FINE with it.

I don't get why people are getting so worked up about things that can still be changed. I also don't get other people's insinuations that I'm incalcitrant when the changes causing these issues were based on other people's suggestions.