American Idol is very mainstream. It's pop and it's the most watched reality show in the world. Most of the people I know that watch it are just regular Joes and Janes. I think the majority of these people want the best singer to win. What would the producers gain by going against the audience? As far as them picking people based on race, so they can represent all the ethnic groups, I think that's ridiculous. What bothers me is sympathy votes. People are sometimes getting in because they have a sad story to share. And why do you say Adam was a little too out there for the producers? Do you know the producers personally? Almost all of the top music producers in the industry talked about how good Adam Lambert was. They definitely had their money on Adam Lambert. Yet, Kris Allen wins. It made absolutely no sense. I don't know why it happened, but I can't help but wonder if all the homophobes in the South got together and made a pact to vote Kris Allen.

"What is given, can be taken away. Everyone lies. Everyone dies." - Casey Anthony, in a poem, July 7, 2008