Originally Posted By: VinnyGorgeous
Originally Posted By: MaryCas
Sorry Vin, your Ashton fixation is wasted. She had a nice butt, and that was it. She tried to cry when they told her she lost, but even that was lame. Mig, I never vote. The whole show is fixed. The producers pick the winner. They are trying to make money, they can't rely on the public. Yes, I'm cynical.

The show is fixed? I'm not buying that. Well not, unless Don King is in involved and he isn't. Where did you get that? Do you have source on the inside or something? Kris Allen won over Adam Lambert. What kind of an idiot would fix that.

Just a hunch. Do you think its coincidental that all the ethnicities are represented when the judges pick the 24? Cover the ethnic backgrounds and you're sure to capture more viewers. Have we ever been told the demographics of the voters? Sometimes it looks a little suspicious. As far as Kris Allen over Adam Lambert...Adam was a little too far out there for the producers.

Whoever exalts himself will be humbled, whoever humbles himself will be exalted - Matthew 23:12