Originally Posted By: VinnyGorgeous
Anthony DeStefano's King Of The Godfathers is definitely worth mentioning. He is an extremely thorough guy and of very few mafia writers I hold in high regard.

I almost forgot about that one, Vinny. That is indeed one of the 5 or 7 best books ever written about organized crime. The concise retelling of the the Bonanno family history in the opening 2 or 3 chapters rivaled Selwyn Raab's take the situation, and blew away the fairy tales spun by both Joe and Bill Bonanno.

The only disappointing thing about that book was that DeStefano seemed to skip the 1990s entirely. He jumped from Massino's incarceration in '87, briefly mentioned his release in '92, then jumped way ahead to the Gerlando Sciascia situation in '99. There may have been a brief mention of Sal Vitale running things for awhile, but nothing about how Massino rebuilt the Bonannos into a legitimate family again (albeit for a brief while) after his release from prison in '92. It would have made very interesting copy. But my best guess is, he just didn't have the information available.

I mean, whe else would he exclude it?

"I got news for you. If it wasn't for the toilet, there would be no books." --- George Costanza.