And about the Gambinos reaching out to Casso. I dont know about that, Casso says he had the Gemeni Twins in his back pocket and he did use them for work but I dont know.

Lets face it, Casso is a blow hard himself, not like Kuklinski by any means but a blow hard. Casso did not take credit for this hit until he realized the Gov was not going to honor his plea deal. I believe Big Paul went straight to Nino for this hit.

In fact, the only people who say that Gotti's crew passed the contract along was Casso himself. No one else has even so much as whispered a word that Gotti's crew ever got the contract.

I believe that had Gotti's crew actually got the contract they would have carried it out themselves anyway. John gotti wanted to be boss and he needed Roy out of the way as Nino was a huge backer of Big Paul and Roy was with Nino

FatGirl:Your cute
FatGirl:So you wanna buy me a drink?
FatGirl:Why not?
Me:Well Its tricky pumpkin,If I buy u a drink, every fat girl in here would think I liked fat girls & ask me to buy them a drink also. See ,I dont like fat girls unless im wasted and given Im only one drink deep so far, so you better buy me the drink honey, cause this 20 bucks aint covering the booze and drive thru ill need to take you home tonight

08/13/2009-jvanley Spanky Bar, 3rd stool from the left