Originally Posted By: J Geoff
Originally Posted By: Just Lou
Back in 1984, my father got me a job making $50K+ a year right out of high school.

Yeah, well, some of us weren't so lucky. Or maybe it was the field I had chosen, but it wasn't about the money. My first "career" job in counseling only paid $19.5k/year (about 1990) to start, but it was probably the best job I ever had (again, not monetarily). Of course after a career change some years later (unrelated to my college major) income more than tripled for a while. So I don't think it's necessary to have a college degree. At least not if you're smart enough to teach yourself. wink

It was luck and politics. smile The job was what it was, but I was good at it. I did get to put my smarts to use when I moved up into management. Out of over 450 people that tested for the position I eventually got, only 9 of us passed the test. I was/am inline for another promotion, but with things shaky in NJ, I don't feel comfortable starting a new position at the bottom of the totem pole.