I grew up around these guys. At the time when Joey's dad was on top of his game they were at my house every night. They were always pricks. I've known Joey & Marty from the time I was born. He always had a temper. He has no control and if Joey had half a brain he would have stayed away from him. Uncle Joe is no dummy, Marty is nothing to him. Never will hold a real position of power. He is out of control and always has been.

Oh and beating up women is nothing new to Marty. He's been doing that shit since he was a teenager. He's too much of a pussy to fight a man. Funny story, years ago the whole crew was out at a club. This is back in 84-85. Two lesbians were in the bar. One very pretty and feminine and the other looked like a huge truck driver. The guys started fucking with them . The truck driver got pissed. She kicked all their asses except for a guy named Canz and Joey.. Joey sat back and said fuck this and laughed at the guys getting their asses kicked by a girl. So it isn't the first time Marty has gotten his ass kicked by a woman & I doubt it will be the last.