Originally Posted By: VinnyGorgeous (Feb 1st)
The man comes to work on time, makes millions of dollars for his co-workers and is said to be a good father to his children. What's really troubling is the only time he doesn't show up for work is when some annoyed family member drags him to rehab. I've been following this case closely and I don't know about you, but I sort of feel bad for the guy.

Originally Posted By: VinnyGorgeous (Feb 1st)
It amazes me that his family is trying to get a judge to grant them conservatorship. Wow. I thought they only did that to the psychotic. I'm glad Charlie ain't budging and prefers the "home program" package. He really needs good people around him. I mean honestly, what kind of a family tries take away your liberty over a couple of drinks?

Originally Posted By: VinnyGorgeous (Feb 7th)
As far as him having problems with drugs and alcohol, I don't see it. His co-workers on Two and a Half Man all say the same thing. He's always on work on time, is always well prepared and there's never any problems. It seems his only problem is his family.

Originally Posted By: VinnyGorgeous (Feb 15th)
Well to be cured of something, you have to be sick first. Charlie Sheen is just a party guy who enjoys a drink or two. The tabloids really like to blow this out of proportion and flat out lied. Sadly, people will lie to make a buck. It happened with Princess Di and now they're going after Charlie Sheen. A man who simply enjoys a drink or two, like most of us.

Originally Posted By: VinnyGorgeous (Feb 16th)
Brand new interview with Charlie Sheen. Talks about being clean across the board, how crack can easily be managed socially, how AA doesn't make sense to him, the difference between beer drunks and whiskey drunks, on and off sobriety, etc., etc. It's really a great interview. My respect for Charlie Sheen as a man just skyrocketed..and I had a lot of respect for him before!

.... and finally, today:

Originally Posted By: VinnyGorgeous (today)
They (the press) are throwing gasoline on the fire. They shouldn't even be allowed to grant him interviews. This is a man who needs a doctor and then you got guys like Piers Morgan and Howard Stern talking to him like there's nothing wrong with him! They're agreeing with him, echoing his words, saying CBS is the problem and how beautiful the 'goddesses' are. All for ratings. All for money. What would they do if Charlie Sheen was their brother or son? Trying to make money off a sick person like that is unforgivable to me. Are these people insane. I can't help but wonder what's going through Martin Sheen's mind or Emilio's.

I hope Charlie Sheen gets better and can hopefully one day look at this whole thing with a clear mind. And if he does get better, he's not gonna want anything to do with these media people again. He's gonna be angry at the people who didn't step in to intervene.

What made you change your mind, Vinny?
