i find the most interesting family to be the bruno/scrafo philly family. probablly because im from pa and the pittsburgh family isn't really worth mentioning. although i do enjoy doing research on the olden days of them. i find the philly family interesting because you never know what to expect outta them. they go from peaceful leadership, to the pschyoticness of scrafo and to the yuppiness "john gotti" style with merlino, then back to somewhat peaceful and great leader uncle joe. i also think that george anastasia does a great job covering the philly family with his mob talk and fantastic books. i really recommend blood and honor to anyone who waants to know about scarfo's regin. warning tho if you are looking for a good easy read like i considered murder machine to be then i dont recommend it. there is alot of great info from the top of the food chain down to the bottom feeders. i also find the luchesse family interesting. goodfellas is what got me interested in the mafia so i do enjoy reasearching them.

Last edited by phatmatress; 03/01/11 12:03 AM.

I hate Dicknoses!!!!!!