In my own way I kind of felt sorry for Fredo. Think about it, he couldn't save his Father from being shot by Sollozo's Men which damaged his credibility within the Family. I'm sure that The Don saw alot of himself when he couldn't rescue his mother from Don Ciccio's Men.

Also, he never had the same status that Sonny and Tom had, and keep in mind how humiliated he must have felt when Michael came to Las Vegas the first time. Now he meant well, but he had noright to put on a Party with Those Showgirls, after all Michael was faithful to Kay, he wasn't Sonny or even Tom. Also, could someone please tell me why Fredo didn't know that Michael was the official head of The Family and that Tom was no longer the Consigliere?

Another thing too was that if you looked in The Deleted Scenes with his Wife Deanna (What did she do anyhow?), she jeered him for being scared of his Little Brother which is quite humiliating.

When he tried to make Michael understand that he did what he did was because he wanted to be "On His Own" Michael should have said to him. "If you wanted that, why didn't you come to me in the first place?" Also, don't you notice that near the end where Tom goes into the Study to meet with Michael, Al, & Rocco, Fredo is going over Fishing instead of meeting with the fellows.

Dear God, did this man have any legtimate employment?