No less then Robert Blakely, architecht of RICO, believes the Mob, cheifly through Carlos Marcello, had a hand in the assasination of JFK.

I for one, do not. Neither does Jerry Capeci. But with the new book by Blakely having been released, im surprised how many people are latching on to it as if Blakely's theories are new & have only just now being examined.

I read Jim Garrisons book & loved it. Years later i learnt how Blakely had continued to publically link him with Marcello & in reciept of payoffs from turning blind to Marcello's various rackets.

Am i being naive in believing Garrisons account over Blakelys? I mean its Robert Blakely. But IMHO, the whole thing just smacks of a squalid CIA affair. Revenge for the Bay of Pigs & for intending to pull out of Vietnam. But just how peripheral was the mafia & Carlos Marcello to everything?
Im aware of Harvey Oswald's bookie uncle & the Jack Ruby/Giancana & Giancana/CIA connections but Occam's Razor tells me that the CIA & some pissed of Cubans engineered it.
