Another correct assertion Johnny, which is why some of the smart wise guys are getting young comp sci geeks to set up their internet gambling and escort services. The mob is still there, but has been greatly supplanted by corporate money too. I cannot count the number of different franchises that off to cash paychecks and make loans. They are in all the strip malls here in the crappy areas of town.

Perna and Scarfo Jr from the Lucchese used some hot shot computer kid to set up their internet gambling sites, which were quite sophisticated.

The Gambino's had the medicare and health insurance fraud going through a 25 year insurance guy in Missouri that had no mob connections, but was greedy.

The other organized groups have filled the gaps. I know the Middle Europeans (Albanians and Serbians) are big in the health care fraud stuff.

Best way to catch the smart ones? Get an idiot working for them.