Originally Posted By: johnnynonos
The estimate is 25,000 video poker machines. That seems like an incredible amount but who knows.

How has Internet gambling cut into the mob's bookmaking profits?

I know three establishments in Chicago you can place a bet. Two in Bridgeport, one in the Patch.

But anyone I know who bets on sports uses the Internet.

You got it right Johnny - my uncle was a bookie associate for 64 years (he was Irish). Sports betting was his life blood, and he had a ton of cash at all times. When he passed, there were envelopes passed out to his heirs, and it was all greenbacks and some jewelry.

The older guys still like to place their bets with a bookie, usually in a bar or by phone. The younger generation uses the internet.

If my uncle were still alive, he would be suffering because there was no way he would ever have been able to learn to use a PC.

Best way to catch the smart ones? Get an idiot working for them.