I think we have completely diverged from the original question - which family is strongest now?

IMO, that is clearly the Genovese Family.

The question was not which family was strongest in the 20's, 50' or 70's. That should be a separate thread. Hell, have a separate thread for each decade.

I think the bigger question is who is strongest after the Genovese's? I rank them accordingly:

2) Gambino
3a) Lucchese
3b) Chicago
4) Columbo
5) Bonnano (or is it Massino?)
6) Philly
7a) Toronto / Hamilton
7b) New England / RI / Boston (or whatever)
8) Decavalcante
9) Montreal (or what is left of it that has not already been absorbed by Toronto)

Everywhere else is minor leagues compared to these. I guess I should have started a new thread so the debate can begin.

Best way to catch the smart ones? Get an idiot working for them.