So you're essentially bickering over 5-10 guys.

Hey, I'll give them to you. Maybe the Outfit has 30 made guys. I made my estimate because I've read and continue to read nearly all available information on the Outfit and nearly all of the same names pop up. Of course there's guesswork involved: Thus the FBI's estimate of "25-60" ten years ago. And I am clearly not the FBI.

Let's try this: Name me a new mobster identified by the FBI or the press who's name hasn't been circulating since at least the 90s. Even one. Even one single young turk.

Nick Ferriola went to prison for crimes committed in the 90s.

Frank Calabrese suggested vast entropy of the Outfit in the late 90s or early 2000s when he told his son "you could take the whole thing over by taking out seven guys, it's gotten to that point." No doubt that included the DiFronzos, the Marcellos, Sarno, Andriacchi, Tornabae. All ancient except Sarno.

Their main racket is video poker. You may not think that's lame. Most people do. Including Lombardo defense attorney Joe Lopez who after Family Secrets said, and I'm paraphrasing, "Outfit's dead. What is it, 200 poker machines in Cicero?"

Harry Aleman: "It's over. Who's taking bets? Maybe a few Jews on the North Side."

Aside from the allegorical and statistical evidence the Outfit is an archaic entity for a host of sociological reasons that I will get into if you want me to, but they basically include: No Italian neighborhoods, the assimilation of Italian Americans, RICO and progression in crime fighting.

And I don't know which chart you're referring to but on the chart on flickr nearly all of the people who aren't listed as "soldiers" are dead as doornails and have been for decades.

Of course I'm guessing. We all are.