Kinda old news by now but ive been meaning to post the link for a while. With the recent conviction of Mark Ciavarella, both judges involved in the "Cash-for-Kids" scandal have been brought to "justice".
In a nutshell, these guys were sending kids to jail for money.
IMO they got of lightly, even with the plea's. Conahan was convicted last year.

Remembering that the investigation into the dirty judges grew from the probe into Billy D'Elia (which unconvered his extensive links with former Judge Conahan) ,there are supposedly several ongoing investigations in progress, relating
to figured as-yet unnamed.

Conahan is said to have coopearted, which may very well be related to Bill D'Elia's own decision to cooperate. The guys a rat, dont forget.

An opinion piece on the recent events in Luzerne County, focusing on Ciavarella.
