In my opinoin the new york families have expanded to big over the years solely cause of greed. They want and expect so much money they will make any1 who has huge earning potential and this causes the rat problem. Guys don't care about the family and as soon as there day in the sun is interupted by the feds they rat. If u look at some of the smaller families like new england they don't make as much money but they don't have as big of a rat problem. In new england the family is smaller and much more tight nit. Its like a community and most member are either friends or family . they r much less greedy and murder is a last resort. They work together to make as much money as possible and provide a good life for there families. They may not make millons but they make enough to live a good life and they r loyal to the family. In my opinoin this is a better example of what the old timers were all about

Last edited by thebarber; 02/15/11 09:26 AM.