Originally Posted By: Frank_Nitti
If something comes from nothing then what is the source of said nothingness? Where do space and time come from?

Does one hit a brick wall at the end of the space-time continuum? Isn't there something on the other side of the wall and so forth?

Some of us who don't believe in after life, don't claim that we came from nothing and go back to nothing. There are particles that builds entities, regardless of it being a human being or a brick in a wall. By chance some particles come together, form a human being. But would that happen again? Hardly possible in my opinion. The particles that came together, could end up in many a combination that would make it impossible for the same being to come together again. And even in case that my pattern of DNA be cloned, would it act as I would do, have my memories and take responsibility that my entity once did? Of course not.

It all comes down to the question of do you believe in immaterial soul that some claim is attached to a material body. A nervous system, that's very material, and has the ability to learn and remember, much like artificial intelligence, IMHO, can not be claimed to be an immaterial and an immortal soul. It dissolves to its fundamental particles as any other part of our body after death and it gone.

Look at someone with Alzheimer's disease, it sure looks like the soul has already left the building. Goes to show it is all about our brain that makes us different with any other entity. Once that's gone, we're gone as well. Not to nothingness, but to not being what we once were.

"Fire cannot kill a dragon." -Daenerys Targaryen, Game of Thrones